A Girl Should Be Two Things; Classy and Fabulous
Top Shopping Galaxy ♥
Pre-order Batch 5
Sunday, June 3, 2012 @10:42 PM

Dear Shoppers, we are having Pre-order Batch 5! 
You can visit our Facebook page (AliceDeV)
http://www.facebook.com/pages/AliceDeV/284896368206427  to have a look! : )
The closing date of Pre-order Batch 5 is 10 June 2012!!!
Order Methods 
You can place your orders to our EMAIL (alicedevivi@gmail.com) / FACEBOOK (AliceDeV) / SMS (Winni : 016-2822267). Please write down your:
(a) Item code
(b) Contact number
(c) Address (if you wish to receive by post) or Location (if you wish to collect by cod)

#Payment must been make before the closing date.
Faster come and place your order!! ^_^
Stay Tuned with us ♥

go earlier go later

layout by bahiyahnor || icons by the fading night || gif images from glitter graphics